Tax Service Pricing
This is to be used as a tool to help you estimate our fee for your tax return. This is not an exhaustive list and should only be relied upon as an estimated cost of service. Our fees are based on the forms that are required, or benefit you to file. We only prepare forms that are in your best interest. The greater the number of forms and complexity, the greater the price and value that we provide
Common Tax Forms and Prices:
Our base fee of $375 includes the Schedule A if used and the first State Return. Additional states priced at $85 each.
# | Form | Price Per Form | Description | Price Per Item |
1 | 1040 | $414 | Personal Income Tax Return | N/A |
2 | Schedule 1 | $14 | Additional Income and Adjustments | N/A |
3 | Schedule 2 | $14 | Additional Taxes | N/A |
4 | Schedule 3 | $14 | Additional Credits and Payments | N/A |
5 | Schedule A | $39 | Itemized Deductions | N/A |
6 | Schedule B | $19 | Interests and Dividends | $3 |
7 | Schedule C | $110 | Additional Credits and Payments | $2 |
8 | Schedule D | $51 | Capital Gains and Losses | N/A |
9 | Schedule E | $59 | Income and Expenses from Rentals & Royalties | $45 |
10 | Schedule F | $110 | Profit and Loss from Farming | $2 |
11 | Schedule SE | $39 | Self Employment Tax | N/A |
12 | Form 4797 | $65 | Sales of Business Property | $0 |
13 | Form 2555 | $323 | Foreign Earned Income Exclusion | N/A |
14 | Form 8839 | $162 | Qualified Adoption Expenses | N/A |
15 | Form 8863 | $51 | Education Credits | N/A |
16 | Form 8824 | $129 | Like Kind Exchanges | N/A |
17 | Form 4652 | $33 | Depreciation and Amortization | $3 |
18 | Form 8867 | $39 | Paid Preparer’s Due Diligence Checklist | N/A |
Business (1120/1120S/1065) Tax Prep Fees and Other Services
Additional Corporate Services and Fees:
# | Service | Price Per Service | Additional Fees |
1 | Corporate Tax Prep/Return | $2,197 | N/A |
2 | Monthly Bookkeeping | $350/month (Minimum) | Additional Fees for Added Complexity |
3 | S Corp Election | $250 | $200 Initial Payroll Set Up |
4 | New Business Consult | $250/hour (Half Credited against Tax Prep Fee Cost) Minimum 1 Hour | N/A |
4 | 1099 Prep | $175 (Includes 5 1099’s) | $5 For Each Additional 1099 |